This allows you to load any file in the game's database as you wish.

script_data_type value for add files allowing you to add custom_xml, generic_xml, and json type files.Support for more combinations for input utilites and Keybind MenuUI item.A way for mods to force download updates.Custom heists filter (only works if both client and host have the 4.4 and up).BeardLib's own DelayedCalls function that can work in paused state.Function: Utils:GetNameFromModPath - gets the name of a mod from its ModPath (works only for BLT mods).New marker system and recursive queue/random in sounds module (thanks Cpone).Support for multiple alternate tracks (thanks Hoppip).New HUDIconModule (generally for waypoints).StealthMusic module (template should be coming soon).If your mod uses one of the new features, add min_lib_ver="4.4" to your main.xml Fixed a crash that happened with the input utilities (felt in the editor generally).Fixed a crash that could happen for some mods that have 'use_clbk' in their package/add files.Fixed a crash with the menu color save value.Fixed a bug relating to gloves on team ai ingame.That lead some people to crash when using a lot of mods. Fixed a long time BeardLib oversight where opened files would not close.Fixed a crash when reloading some heists.Disable BLT keybinds while BeardLib textbox is active.Added support for multiple dynamic music multipliers.Fixed ElementRelativeTeleport not teleporting clients.Let XML module be used loosely (multiple times).Fixed keybind item setting the same keybind multiple times.BeardLib will now create mod_overrides if it doesn't exist for dummies.